I should have worded it better as I didn’t mean to come off as accusatory. It just surprises me when insightful analysts casually refer to the official version of 9/11 and seem to accept it at face value. Surprising because this event was singular in the scope of destruction it unleashed on the world and on our country. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth would be worth looking into. Also a review of the Project for the New American Century group calling for “a new Pearl Harbor.” I don’t claim to know anything other than that the official version is a lie meant to advance globalism and forever wars. I just don’t see how forward progress can be made in the movement for human freedom if we continue accepting the big lies.

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9/11 was quite obviously a massive operation involving top elements within our own government (and most likely mossad as well.) But the news did report that a copy of the Koran was found in the rubble so it MUST have been those dirty/evil Muslims/arabs. I can’t take anyone seriously who takes the official propaganda version of 9/11 seriously. Even though you’re right about everything else.

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Just curious as to which particular flavor of that theory you espouse. There are several, and while I'm not much interested in doing a deep dive into them, I can't really respond to your claim of my error without understanding what error I'm accused of.

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Or maybe the watershed moment was when the Civil Service was created under Chester A. Arthur. At that point, the President ceased to be truly the chief executive of the US.

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I'm sorry, but I think that's a reach too far. At least for me. Civil Service has nothing to do with the Panopticon Deep Intel State. It took GWB and 9/11 to create that, with GWB not letting a good crisis go to waste.

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No, not 9/11. The New Deal.

The New Deal government and its National Security State did get a longer lease on life because of 9/11. But we were sold to the state under FDR, and they knew it and didn’t care because of handouts. All the Alphabet Soup was placed 1933-1947, along with critically administrative law and Civil Service immunity from politics- civil servants can’t be fired by the President. That’s Humphrey’s Executors 1937. Written as law in 1946 with the Administrative Procedures Act.

We have been owned all our lives.

Unfortunately they have begun to act as if we were property , we are, and in doing so exposed the fraud. The current system will fall as they have lost the people, the military, the police.

However as freedom requires being dangerous and frankly war, we’ll most likely get a competent tyranny, however still an improvement as they’re unlikely to be child rapists. So they’ll be some noise, afterwards you can come out and grill.

Isn’t just grilled what freedom’s all about anyway?

Let’s Make America Grill Again.

So history isn’t just one lifetime.

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"No, not 9/11. The New Deal."

Well, erm, if we go down that path, lurking further back we find Woodrow Wilson, and prior to him, Theodore Roosevelt, both of who arguably did major damage on behalf of progressives to the Framers' notions of a "Republic."

And then there is national hero Abraham Lincoln, who once and for all trashed the notion that America was a free union of states, rather than a bunch of subordinate entities functioning at the whim of the federal government, and subject entirely to the exercise of federal force used to ensure obedience.

And then there is that pesky Whiskey Rebellion...


Anyway, my contention was that our *current* travails, arguably more dangerous to liberty than any that have come before, thanks to the Panopticon State and the powers granted to it by the spinoffs from the road to the Singularity, had its genesis in the creation of the Homeland Security Department and GWB's declared determination to:

"How will we fight and win this war? We will direct *every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy, **every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement,** every financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war* -- to the disruption and to the defeat of the global terror network."

Also: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

And: "These efforts must be coordinated *at the highest level.* So tonight I announce the creation of a Cabinet-level position reporting directly to me -- the Office of Homeland Security. "


"We will come together to give law enforcement the additional tools it needs to track down terror here at home. (Applause.) We will come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities to know the plans of terrorists before they act, and find them before they strike. (Applause.)"

Taken together, this all describes the bones and bedrock of the New Security State, and the Deep Intel State given the responsibility to administer it "in order to keep us safe from terrorists both here in America and across the globe."

Never before has the American government even contemplated, let alone actually created such an all-powerful, over-arching, pervasive and intrusive structure of power, force, and control through which it could express its desires in such an irresistible way.

It makes all that has come before pale in comparison.

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It pales with the present… no,

However the past is never exciting as one’s lifetime.

FDR did this, then he died and Truman made wartime emergency measures law.

It pales - Unless you check the National Security Act of 1947, The CIA Charter, and go back to 1940 when the British Security Corporation was established at Rockefeller center NYC, and FDR, William Stephenson, William Donavan began to create the OSS, and a reluctant J.Edgar Hoover agreed to help.

The OSS became the CIA.

The CIA legal charter is an Independent Agency, rather like the Federal Reserve.

The facts sometimes pale before dramatic flurries in the present, but they remain facts.

The truth is our ancestors elected a government to give them benefits, the governments side is Administrative government.

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I am aware of all of the references you make, and, in fact, lived through some of them. My statement stands. I believe you badly misunderstand the nature what is happening today, and the source from which it really originated.

As for the CIA, I have written about its odd and murky origins here:


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Yup, the Old Republic essentially committed suicide based of the false (but at the time more defensible, we have no excuse now) promises of centralized planning and statistical control theory applied to the country write large, although it took decades for all of the big degradations to play out, some didn't finish up until the late 1990s. And they killed off the parties, by the mid 1960s they weren't really mass member parties any more, and its been decades since anyone even described them as something other than managed parties (I found many examples of people saying things like "we just traded one machine for another" in reference to city govs, but the new machines were much less competent, somehow even more corrupt they do in way that are "legal", and --despite their original sales pitch of transparency-- ultimately far more opaque). And the removal of between most and almost all of economic, fiscal, financial, monetary policies from states and cities; and when that done, given that vastness of the USA and its economic and social diversity, a near total lack of variability means it sort of cant be democratic no matter what the forms are

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My reply is simple: The Republic of the Framers officially died on April 8, 1913, when the 17th Amendment was ratified and became part of the U.S. Constitution. As with every other major attack against the Framers' Constitution, it was spearheaded by "progressives."

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I've worked at a fairly high level of a red state-government for thirty years and what you say is true even here. When a government sticks to those very things that a government needs to do, things generally work well, although slowly. But the second government veers off into "there oughta be a law" pandering, things go wrong quickly.

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I'd submit that the system of institutionalized bribery (and the corruption it brings) inherent to any democratic order in which candidates must obtain majorities of ballots cast in order to achieve office has wreaked more havoc on our institutions at every level than any other single factor. Bureaucracies, which inevitably become captured by the bureaucrats more concerned with the powers and perks of bureaucracy than with the functions the bureaucracy was established to carry out (cf. Pournelle's Iron Law), are an inevitable byproduct of bribery-inspired efforts by politicians to give their bribers what they have paid for.

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I wish I could disagree with this.

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So do I. That's where we Americans have gone astray, unfortunately. We've allowed ourselves to disagree with various manifestations of reality staring us in the face by convincing ourselves they don't exist. Of course on the other side for too many people lies at best cognitive dissonance, at worst stark madness.

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Great essay. I concur completely - American "democracy" is no longer in existence, and we need to make that known.

In his book Guerilla Warfare, Che Guevara saw the people's false belief in a functioning democracy and false belief that their grievances could be addressed through democratic means as major obstacles to them taking any meaningful action.

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Speaking of Che's legacy and Cuba today:

"The undemocratic one-party state also allows for the extensive political and social repression in Cuba. According to the British academic institution Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research that publishes the “World Prison Population List” prepared by Helen Fair and Roy Walmsley, Cuba occupies fifth place in the number of common prisoners per capita (the Cuban government does not recognize the category of political prisoner) among 223 prison systems in independent countries and dependent territories. Cuba is only surpassed by the United States of America, Rwanda, Turkmenistan, and El Salvador.

"Recently, the number of political prisoners properly speaking rose to many more than 500 because of the trials that took place in connection with the widespread street protests in Cuba on July 11, 2021. **The Cuban courts condemned dozens of protesters to many years in prison (including sentences of over twenty years in prison) for damage caused to property. There was not a single case where the demonstrators, who in their great majority were peaceful, caused serious injury or death to any people. **"


My, that sounds hauntingly...familiar...doesn't it?

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